Isokinetic testing is very important to your recovery!

Cybex – Isokinetic Testing

This is our Isokinetic Machine. This machine right here is multifunctional. We can test shoulder strength left and right. We can test knee strength left and right. We can test hip strength, you name it, ankle strength, all that stuff. We can get a computerized graph of one side compared to the other. What’s more important about this for us is that we didn’t just in and buy the first machine that sounded cool. We spent about 3 years really studying what was the best out on the market, and we found that open kinetic chain testing can isolate muscles better and can give you a better test result. We use this in our protocol for proper discharge so that we know appropriately when someone should be discharged to sport or work. We use this machine for all of those different Joint systems and it has been amazing.

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